Over the summer when I decided to get back into Tarot after so long - I started googling for decks. I found The Dark Mansion Tarot before I knew it was a big deal in the card community. I had no idea how popular it was, although it didn’t surprise me.
After a couple months of binge-watching Tarot YouTubers, I learned which decks were the most commonly adored, which ones I wanted to own someday, and which ones I had no desire for.
The Fountain Tarot, The Wild Unknown, The Spiral Tarot, The Naked Heart Tarot- big deals among the masses... but not even a tinge of interest from me. I feel like I should be ducking tomatoes, here. And my beloved, coveted The Dark Mansion? Lots of love out there- yet a couple of my favorite YouTubers were not too impressed with it.
I started to learn more about personalities and decks. I wondered if readers size each other up based on the kinds of decks they use? Some do! Some people even call into question the actual ability to read with decks they find to be “cutesy”. I thought about the people who would question me and my Tarot journey in using the kinds of decks that attract me. In the Tarot Nerds Facebook group- someone posted about people using cute decks as if they had a problem and couldn't be taken seriously. Needless to say it started getting heated and the comments were disabled for review after a bit of back and forth and rising smoke.
Within every circle of life- as much as people seem to be cut from the same cloth, we all still have our own style and way of being. While it may seem frustrating to some- I'm settling into it being fascinating. I'm okay with being me!
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